We offer many women’s health services including pap smears, breast checks, antenatal (pregnancy) shared care, contraceptive advice and Implanon (contraceptive rod) insertions
Mental Health
Apart from standard consultations for mental health issues, we offer psychiatric case conferences with a visiting Psychiatrist and a Mental Health Case Worker. Our accredited Mental Health Case Worker can be seen under a mental health care plan or the ATAPS program.
Child Health and Immunisation
Apart from standard consultations, we also offer child health checks and immunisations for children
On-site Pathology Collection
We have an on site pathology service during weekdays from 8:30am to 12:30pm
Worker's Compensation
We see patients for injuries and ailments related to Workers’ Compensation
Travel Medicine
We offer travel advice and administer travel vaccinations
Minor Surgery
We do minor surgical procedures including skin excisions and biopsies, suturing of wounds, Implanon insertions etc.
We perform cryotherapy on warts, skin tags, sun spots and other appropriate skin lesions
Indigenous Health
We offer Indigenous Health Assessments and Closing the Gap
Sexual Health
We offer sexual health screening for patients from all walks of life